Escape the Monkeys on Your Android – Temple Run Has Arrived!
Your dream has come true. Now you can be one of those lucky gamers who can take on the demonic monkeys and make your way through the maze of obstacles to gather valuable gold coins. That’s what life is all about, right? Well, maybe not, but it’s sure a lot of fun. Until now, Android users have been unable to join in the fun. But as of March 27th, the popular game Temple Run is available on Android. And it’s free!
Since its debut for Apple devices in August, Temple Run from Imangi Studios has quickly become one of the most popular games in the App Store with over 40 million downloads. According to Imangi, the game is played by at least 13 million people a day.

So what’s the big deal about another game?
To answer that question, all you have to do is play it. Temple Run is one of those rare games that instantly pulls you in and makes it impossible to put down. Forget homework, chores, meals. Well, maybe not that far, but it does become addictive so don’t start playing Temple Run unless you have got some time to spare.
Temple Run lets you step into an Indiana Jones-style world. But be careful because you have to navigate through dangerous ruins, jump over barriers, balance along narrow beams, and don’t forget about those bad, bad monkeys chasing you! The objective of Temple Run is to gather as many gold coins as you can and keep racing around the temple as long as you can. As the game’s description says that you need to test your reflexes as you will be racing down to the ancient temple walls and the sheer cliffs. You need to jump, turn and slide through to avoid the hurdles; buy the power ups and collects coins, unlocking new characters, and check out how far you have been able to run! Talk about a workout! Just make sure you stretch first. Don’t want to pull anything.
Enjoy The Game In The Android Way
I am happy to report that Temple Run for Android features the same great graphics cool setting, and smooth play that were part of the iOS version. And perhaps best of all, Temple Run is free. Instead of charging upfront for the game or inserting in-game ads, Imangi has introduced the game as “freemium”. This simply means that players can choose to buy more gold coins to enhance characters and improve their game experience. The in-game store offer four types of items: power-ups, utilities, characters and wallpapers. Each item has its own price from 250 to 25,000 gold coins.
However, the purchases are completely optional. You don’t need to buy anything to thoroughly enjoy the experience of Temple Run. Gets your adrenaline flowing and do your best to beat the scores of your friends.
Now there is only one question – Why are still reading this instead of playing Temple Run on your Android device? Go on! Those evil monkeys are waiting for you!
(Written by Susan Hannan.)