Voicetap Technologies, in association with Tata DOCOMO has launched a very significant Value Added Service called Tutor on Mobile (TOM) – India’s first knowledge marketplace packed with premium educational content, and easy learning mechanisms that enable students to learn on the move. With the advent of TOM, subject experts can broadcast their knowledge to the world by hosting Knowledge Conference Calls and monetize their expertise.
TOM uses Voicetap’s proprietary oneTAP platform to aggregate and deliver content across various mediums including IVR, IVVR, Web, WAP and SMS. TOM has introduced methodologies to educate and cultivate hobbies allowing people to search and access information and knowledge tools from a large pool. The content provided is in the form of videos, text, images, live interactions, pod casts or even knowledge conferences.
Voicetap currently has over 60 expert partners, who have signed up for TOM to reach out to new customers. TOM will let users search for various topics on which they want to acquire knowledge. The knowledge will be provided to users through SMS, WAP, Web, IVR and IVVR. Customers can subscribe the service by 3 different ways, first by sending a free SMS to ‘TOM’ to 5333300, secondly through SMS link for free andthirdly, through website tom.tatadocomo.com (to be used for only previews and uploading user Videos). First month subscription will be waived off as promotional plan. Voicetap is looking to create the most robust educational platform and is looking to partner with other content providers as well.