Accurate and up-to-date weather forecasts presented in a simple language with no technical jargons for the common man. Introducing Mausam mobile app from the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), which will provide city-wise weather information, forecasts, nowcasts and other warnings. The main advantage of using the app is that it would provide real-time weather information and forecasts lucidly without technical jargons.
Mausam mobile app is available for both Android and iOS devices. It can be downloaded from Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Features of Mausam mobile app
Mausam app will provide users with weather information, forecasts, radar images and it will also proactively warn them of impending weather events like a cyclone, heavy rains etc.
- Weather information: The app would show the current weather condition for 200 cities updated 8 times a day. This report includes the current temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction for these cities. It will also have information on sunrise/sunset and moonrise/moonset.
- Nowcast: Hourly warnings of any weather phenomena in your area, their intensity and its impact issued by State Meteorological Centres of IMD. It’s available for about 800 stations, and districts of India.
- Weather forecast for the next seven days for around 450 cities in India.
- Alert and Warning: The app will issue alerts and warning of any approaching dangerous weather conditions, twice a day for all districts for the next five days in colour code (Red – most severe category, Orange – prompts authorities and public to be alert, and Yellow – prompts authorities and public, to keep themselves updated).
- Station wise radar images for details view of the weather condition, updated every 10 minutes.
Mausam mobile app has been designed and developed jointly by ICRISAT’s Digital Agriculture & Youth (DAY) team, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) and India Meteorological Department under the Monsoon Mission program of MoES.