Google announced Tuesday on Google Inside search hot new features for its search engine. Voice search on PC through Google Chrome and search by image feature.
Google search box on Google Chrome will now have a microphone icon displayed on the side of the search bar, when clicked, allows you to speak a search query. Voice search feature was already available for Google mobile search and their search application, i think most of you have used that feature. It’s useful for hard-to-spell searches, long search queries, now don’t worry about the spelling Google will instantly recognize the correct one. These feature will be launched from today for use in Google chrome only, other browsers are not supported currently and it will only work on Us English voice searches. So now search anything without typing at all, head to Google Voice search now.
Google Search by Image
As you know Google is the best for its image searches, now they have included “search by image”feature. Just drag and drop any image or Upload an image by clicking on the camera icon or just paste the image URL you have found on web to the search box and Google will give you its best answer for what’s in the image. You will get results that show you where that image from and similar images, appear on the web. It show you to webpages that contain that image, or find the same image in different sizes or resolutions.
Check out what we got when uploaded image of “Taj Mahal”
Taj mahal details from Wikipedia, visually similar images, relevant websites etc.
So begin to explore search by images on google. Note that this feature is only available on Google chrome browser and supports about 40 languages.