BSNL the state-owned telecom service provider has abides with new TRAI regulation of 100 SMS/Day and revised its SMS Packs for its prepaid subscribers in Tamilnadu with effect from September 2007 the below mentioned sms packs will be into effect. BSNL has revised the existing sms packs and have given revised sms packs of MRP Rs.32, Rs.21, Rs.14, Rs.53 that benefits the customers with 1000 Local&500 Local/national SMS FREE, 1000 Local SMS FREE, Local/national SMS @ Rs.0.05/SMS, 2000 Local&1000 Local/National SMS FREE for a period of 15 days, 15 days, 30 days, 30 days respectively.

The existing SMS Boosters of MRP 13,23,33 & 53 are withdrawn from Ctopup and through SMS w.e.f 23.59hrs of 26.09.2011 and The New STVs are introduced in Ctopup and through SMS from 00.00hrs of 27.09.11. The present tariff/ Free SMS will continue to be available till the expiry of the current SMS STVs activated upto 23.59 hrs of 26-09-11. All the above new SMS STVs are applicable to customers while in HOME LSA & while on Roaming also. The SMS STVs/SMS Packs under 2G & 3G Prepaid mobile services will not be applicable on “Blackout days”. Normal SMS charges as per plan will be applicable on “Blackout days”.
For Further Details, Dial 1503 from your BSNL Mobile the customer care executive will be happy to help you.