In the recent Google Transparency report the number of content removal requests Google received from Indian Government and non-government agencies increased by whooping 90% (July-December, 2012) compared to the previous reporting period (Jan-June, 2012).
Google Transparency Report provides great insight on government’s and non-government agencies requests for personal information and to remove web contents from Google. Government requested removal of various types contents mainly Copyright, Defamation, Religious Offense, National Security, Political, Hate Speech etc, from Google properties like YouTube, Picassa, Google+, Blogger and more.

During the period of disturbance in the North-East region, Google received five requests from the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team to remove content from Google+, a Blogger blog, 64 YouTube videos, and 1759 comments associated with some YouTube videos, that cited laws covering disruption of public order or ethnic offence laws. In response to these requests, Google removed one video for violating our YouTube Community Guidelines and restricted 47 Youtube Videos from local view, in addition to removing 12 YouTube comments and disabling local access to 3 Blogger blog posts that violated local laws.
Another interesting stats from Google Transparency Report is the request from a city Cyber Crime Investigation Cell to remove current depictions of disputed borders of Jammu and Kashmir in five Google Maps domains other than But it seems Google did not change their depiction of the borders in response to this request.
Want to keep track on the data published by Google, then head over to Google Transparency Report and learn more on it.